The Private Letters and Diaries of Sir Ronald Storrs (1881-1955) from Pembroke College, Cambridge
This box starts with two letters from Dean Storrs, 1926,
fragments of letters from Lucy Storrs and letters from RS to Lucy
Storrs, 1911-1916. There is a diary for part of 1902. Letters to
and from his parents particularly from Charterhouse.
Letters to and from friends at Cambridge (including one from J M
There are family trees and memoirs of various ancestors and
relations, including cuttings about his father and cuttings about
his uncle Henry Cust. Various other family letters and papers,
including one to his mother from Cairo, dated 1916, recording the
death of Kitchener.
This box contains papers from the Egyptian period covering
1904-1909. The bulk of the contents are letters from Storrs to
his Mother. They contain information about personalities and life
in the British Agency and occasional nuggets of political gossip.
This box contains the press cuttings that Storrs kept about Egypt,
many from the Egyptian press. This box also contains an account
of the terms and conditions for entry into the Egyptian Civil
Service, as follows:
Egyptian and Sudanese Government
The following précis of information on
the Conditions of Service and prospects of Government Civil
Servants in Egypt and the Sudan has been prepared in answer to
the numerous enquiries received by the Egyptian and Sudanese
The Candidates desired are Gentlemen who
have just finished their University course, and are about 23
years of age.
Candidates will be examined by a Medical
Board both before selection and in the following year prior to
appointment. No Candidate will be selected or appointed who is
not reported by the Medical Authority to be physically fitted in
all respects for work in a tropical climate. The selection will
take place in the month of July. Applications should reach Egypt
by April 15. The application must in all cases be made on one of
the forms issued by the Egyptian and Sudanese Governments. A
Candidate who is in for his Final Schools in June and July is not
excluded by the requirements (p10 of authorised form of
application) of the statement of his Degree. The circumstance
should be explained and the name sent in provisionally, and a
supplementary statement forwarded immediately after the Class
List appears. No married man should apply for these appointments,
and an Official who wishes to marry within the next ten years or
so will probably find it difficult to fit in his duties and
family life. The probationary year in England and the examination
at the end of it are sufficiently described in the official
document (enclosed). They are the same for the Egyptian and
Sudanese Service. Every candidate who passes the examination and
complies with the conditions will be offered an appointment,
though it cannot be decided beforehand whether it will be in
Egypt or the Sudan. A Candidate may put down his name for either
or both Services, or may state his preference for one or the
other. The number of posts to be allotted very year is
necessarily small. All information which may be required in
addition to that given below may be obtained from the Secretary
to the Selection Board, Finance Ministry, Cairo; or the Secretary,
University Appointments Committee, at either Oxford, Cambridge or
Trinity College, Dublin.
1. Egyptian Service setting aside
the more technical Departments (Public Works, Medicine, Justice)
and the Educational Department, which is on a different footing,
the careers for selected Candidates will be mainly in the
Departments of the Interior and of Finance.
On arriving in Egypt the approved
Candidates will probably receive an appointment as Assistant
Inspector. His salary will begin with at least £E240; he will
likewise have travelling allowances, which are calculated on so
liberal a scale as to make a substantial addition to the salary.
His residence will be in Cairo, which will be his headquarters,
but he will probably spend at least 20 days in each month
travelling in the Provinces. Rest-houses are provided in many
places, and living will be less expensive than in Cairo. A man
will be able to live, quietly but in fair comfort, on his first
salary with the travelling allowances.
The main duties of the Inspector are to
overlook the work of the Native Officials, to examine registers,
to collect information and to report to the Central Department.
He will likewise have to give advice to the Native Mamura (District
Governors) and to consult with the Native Mudirs, or Government
of Provinces, who are always his superiors in rank. In all these
matters he will be guided by instructions from his Department. In
some case the Inspector is specially commissioned to enquire into
a case which has been brought before t he Department by way of
petition. In the Finance Department there is some executive work
(Land claims, Assessments of Taxation, etc) not unlike that of
the Settlement Officer in India. The rise in salary depends on
the efficiency of the Official, but there is a probability that
in from five to ten years time an Inspector will be drawing
£E600 to £E700. There are certain higher posts (Police, Customs
&c) with salaries of from £E800 to £E1,500, which have
hitherto generally been filled by promotion.
For the first year an official is
considered to be a probationer, and may be discharged if not
likely to be a success. After that he can only be deprived of his
appointment for ill-health, misconduct or suppression of post.
Subject to the exigencies of the Service,
furlough (which may not be taken in the first year) is given for
two months every year on full pay, and a third month may be
allowed on half pay. Leave may be accumulated, but not more than
three and a half months may be taken in any one year.
All salaries are subject to a 5%
reduction for pension. To earn a pension a man must have been
under 35 at date of appointment; he must have served 25 years and
be 55 years of age, unless he has been retired from Service after
no less than 15 years for ill-health or suppression of post. The
pension is calculated on the average of last three years salary, at the rate of 1/60th of such
average for each year of Service, provided that no pension can
exceed £E600 a year.
In case of retirement on the grounds of
ill-health or suppression of post, before the completion of 15
years Service, there is no pension, but a lump sum down of
one months salary for each year of Service up to ten and of
three months salary for each year between ten and fifteen.
This box contains papers from the Egyptian
period covering 1904-1913; consisting mainly of Storrs letters home. There is a letter from Theodore Roosevelt. There
are various pieces about Kitchener, including press extracts.
This box contains papers from the Egyptian period covering the
years 1914-15. It contains translations of anti-British pamphlets
put about in Egypt. There are agents reports on the state
of Egyptian public feeling and reports of a secret agents
meeting with Sharif Hussein. There are copies of "The Mudros
Gazette" and press comments. There is a confidential letter
about German officers arriving at Massawa and a secret letter
about unsuitability of appointing Cecil to run Egypt. Letters
from Margot Asquith, Winnie de Polignac, Habib Loutfy, Leopold of
Battenberg, Robert Vansittart. Numerous reports from Cesár Karam,
an agent, 1914-15
Examples of the notes and reports contained include the following
brief biography of the Sultan and a note of a disturbing week in
I have already dealt with the Princes
Kamal-ed-Din, Ahmad Fuad and Yusuf Kamal, and understand that you
have seen my observations upon them.
The personality of the Sultan should
even more than is usually necessary be considered in the light of
his parentage, association and various vicissitudes of fortune;
by instinct and by original training, he is in all matters of
finance, government and attitude towards Egyptians and foreigners,
emphatically and pre-eminently the son of his father Ismail.
His reckless generosity, his ultra
Edwardian desire that things should be "done" well, his
complete freedom from fanaticism and anti-Egyptian feeling, and
his morbid personal sensitiveness are the survivals of many other
hereditary characteristics, which the deposal of Ismail, his own
subsequent exile, his return at the avowed instance of the
British Government, and finally the neglect and insults he
experienced at the hands of his nephew the ex-Khedive, have
combined to conceal or modify if not wholly to obliterate.
Himself of great personal charm and
dignity, it is essentially to personal influence and
consideration that he is amenable; as much so that it is possible,
given adequate care and preparation, to present almost any
proposal to him in a palatable and finally acceptable form.
His educational and cultural sympathies
are, as might be expected from one who had spent so much of his
youth at the Court of the Third Empire, decidedly French; but
this has not in any way affected his pro-English views, and now
at once rewarded and consolidated by the Protectorate.
We have been through a puzzling week,
and I do not particularly like the signs of the political weather.
On Monday afternoon Lord Kitchener saw the Khedive, who begged
him to get rid of the present Prime Minister Mohammed Pasha Said
and substitute Lord Cromers old friend Mustapha Pasha Fehmy.
Lord Kitchener promised to refer the matter to the Foreign Office,
and coming back to the Agency drafted with me a letter to
Mustapha Fehmy offering him in very warm terms the Presidency of
the Council, which he intimated was to be accepted without other
changes in the Cabinet. I had the letter sent down to Luxor by
one of my confidential Agents, who brought back on Wednesday
morning an answer to the effect that the Pasha's health did not
permit him to accept of the offer "sans changement de
Ministres et changement de système". The meaning and the
extent of the first and the nature of the second change being, to
say the least, doubtful Lord Kitchener instructed me to go down
on Wednesday night to Luxor, and make the best terms I could with
Mustapha Pasha with a view to laving the Cabinet as intact as
possible and also to find out what exactly he meant by changement
de système.
I telephoned to the Vice President of the
Legislative Assembly, whose official dinner I should have
attended that night, that I was not feeling very well, took the 8
oclock ordinary train down to Luxor and found Mustapha
Pasha no longer actually suffering, but obviously not robust. He
received me very cordially and explained that by Système he had
meant Système administratif, and that he considered the Moudirs
were disgracefully out of hand, and that the central authority
upon them had been far too much relaxed.
This box covers the Egyptian period from 1916-17. It contains
translations of letters from the Sharif, Abdullah and Ali; Sir
Mark Sykes copy of a note on Mesopotamian administration;
Reports from Ruhi Storrs secret agent to the Sharif;
Secret minutes of the Cabinet Committee on Egyptian
administration; A letter from Curzon; Storrs secret reports
to the High Commissioner on the Arab Revolt; Letters from Lloyd,
Birdwood and Mereweather and Violet Bonham-Carter; Reports from
an agent on public feeling in Egypt; Secret reports on Storrs trip to the Hejaz by D G Hogarth and Storrs; Extracts from diary
of meeting Hussein; Letter of congratulation to Storrs on his
receiving the CMG; Letter from AJ Balfour offering Storrs a
position as Secretary to a War Cabinet sub committee (on the
future administration of Egypt) and a secret memorandum by Milner
about Egypt.
This box also contains a large number of
very interesting documents concerning the Arab Revolt. Some of
the highlights are as follows. Firstly, D G Hogarth's account of
Storrs' trip to the Hejaz:
10th June, 1916
With Mr R Storrs, CMG, Oriental
Secretary of HM Residency and Captain K Cornwallis of the
Intelligence Section, Headquarters, Cairo, I left Suez IN HMS "Dufferin" on Monday the 29th
and arrived at Port Sudan on Wednesday May 31st about midday. R Came aboard from HMS "Fox" which was in
harbour. As expected, he reported that no arrangements had been
made for an immediate meeting with the Sherif Abdallah and that
it would be necessary to go across to Ras Makhluk (= Ras Arab)
and find O, who would then ride up to Mecca and see Sherif
Hussein. We left again after conferring with Captain Boyle and
Colonel Wilson, and anchored inside the reefs south of Ras Arab
on June the 1st at noon.
O did not appear till 3.30, having
probably (as appeared from his later proceedings) employed the
time, since the ship was first sighted, in loading his dhow with
a cargo of petroleum and sugar, which HMS "Fox" had not
allowed him to carry down the coast a week previously, but he
hoped would now be passed by us. After discussion, in which O
stood out for taking his dhow to Rueis (4 miles north of Jeddah)
and riding up from that point, on the plea that it was nearer to
Mecca, and his camels were there, we agreed that he should do
this, reach Mecca on Saturday June 3rd
with a letter from Storrs to Sherif Abdullah, arrange if possible
for a meeting on the coast on Tuesday June 6th,
and himself be picked up by us off Rueis on Monday June 5th
to inform us of the arrangement if made. This programme, it may
be said, he carried out promptly and exactly, riding from Rueis
to Mecca during Friday night, seeing Sherif Hussein on Saturday
and returning to Reuis on Sunday.
After seeing Os dhow started on
its way to Rueis on Friday morning, the "DUFFERIN" cruised northward, inspecting Umlejh, Hassani Island and Yambo,
and anchored off Jeddah at 1 pm on Monday June 5th.
O came off at once from HMS "FOX" and reported on his
visit to Mecca. He brought written messages from Sherifs Hussein
and Abdullah, by which we learned that the latter had gone to
Taif and had deputed his brother Zeid to meet us on Tuesday, the
6th, at dawn on the beach at Samimah,
about 15 miles south of Jeddah; also that the general rising was
to begin on Saturday June the 10th. From
Os attitude and report, it was clear that some difficulty
would be made about anyone, besides Storrs, meeting Zeid. Danger
ashore was pleaded, and we were told Zeid himself was to
come down very secretly "like a robber"; but a desire
not to be responsible for more Christians landing in Hejaz than
could be helped, and also fear that Zeid would be confronted in
council with disproportionate numbers doubtless weighed with the
Although the substitution of Zeid for
Abdullah had rendered it unlikely that large questions of
International Politics would be raised, or that we should be in a
position to appreciate the actual situation and future policy of
the Sherif by converse with a principal actor in the drama, I
thought we all ought to make every effort to be present at the
interview accordingly it was arranged that all should go to
the shore together in any case, and that should Storrs alone be
asked to land, he should invite Zeid to the ship.
The "DUFFERIN" dropped down to
a reef about 6 miles S of Samimah (which seems to be a name of a
reef, the shore itself at that point being called Badia)
and anchored there fore the night. At dawn on the next day, June
6th, she weighed and approached within
two miles of the shore. We were sent off in a boat at 5.30 and
the "DUFFERIN", after taking soundings, came inshore
about another mile.
We found a dhow at anchor off Badia,
which had brought stores for the Sherif from Port Sudan. On her
we awaited the arrival of Zeid, sending O ashore to direct Zeid
to the place and to erect a rough shelter with the dhows
poles and sail.
After an hour, ten camel-riders were seen
approaching from E N E. They halted about a mile from the beach
and sent on one of their number to the shelter, the rest
following presently. The camels were couched and two men took
places in the shelter. O came off through the shallows to say
that Storrs was desired to land first alone, but that Cornwallis
and myself should be sent for presently. The ships boat was
unable to approach the beach nearer than about 40 yards and the
rest of the shallows had to be crossed in a native canoe and on
Arab shoulders. We sent refreshments ashore. It was particularly
asked that none of our own boats crew should land or help
anyone to land.
After half an hour Storrs and the two Chief
Arabs, who were Sherif Zeid and Shakir, Emir of the Ateibah, came
down to the beach and were brought off to the boat, with O and R.
Storrs had persuaded them to visit the ship. Zeid agreeing with
little demur, but remarking that Abdullah, in his place, might
have declined. On the way out Storrs stated summarily what had
passed and we agreed to go over all the ground again on the ship.
This was reached about 9.15 and the visitors stayed till about 12.30,
being given a meal on-board, before and after which we had
discussions with them. The second of these was shared by Captain
Boyle of HMS "FOX", which had meanwhile come from
The discussions were concerned mainly
with points enumerated in the two letters appended, and the
information given by Zeid and Shakir did not go much beyond what
is to be learned from these letters.
It was evident that Zeid had been primed
to say certain things and no more; and his companion was reticent.
When we tried to elicit policy or plans, Zeid became vague,
evidently as much from ignorance as from nervousness. The points,
on which ground outside the letters was traversed were summarily
(1) Zeid, speaking evidently to order,
complained of the hesitancy shown by HM Government in meeting his
fathers requests. It was pointed out to him that not only
had these requests often been made at very short notice indeed,
but during the present war, some of them could not be granted
anyhow; also that a distant Government which knew nothing of the
Sherif personally could not but require some overt action as a
guarantee of good faith before supplying money ad arms ad libitum.
(2) Zeid was asked about the Haj, it
being pointed out that the maintenance of the blockade and the
encouragement of the Haj by sea were not compatible. He replied
that the blockade would so soon become unnecessary, that he hoped
the Indian Government would put no difficulties in the way of
(3) Zeid admitted his fathers lack
of guns or trained gunners; therefore he pressed the Sherifs
request for these. He was reminded by us that this was one more
new and serious request brought forward at a moments notice,
and that, even if it could be complied with at all, nothing could
be delivered, as he seemed to assume, by 10th June. The Navys difficulty in sparing machine guns from the
patrol ships and their lack of field mountings were emphasised.
(4) Zeid was asked about possible co-operation
of our ships in operations at Jeddah on June 10th
or subsequently. At first he disclaimed any desire for such help,
but later amended his reply to a request that it might be given
if asked for in writing by the responsible Commander of the
attacking Arabs. He asked Captain Boyle, however, not to proceed
to the inner anchorage till requested, for fear of exciting
Turkish suspicions.
(5) Zeid asked if we would take action
in Syria to lighten pressure on the Arabs, when they had revolted.
He and his companion stated that Feisal had reported 80,000
Turkish soldiers in Syria and that a great effort would be made
to crush the revolt by bringing up those troops. We replied that
if Turkish troops were withdrawn from the Sinai front, we should
press forward, but that distinct operations elsewhere in Syria
could only be undertaken on a decision of the Council of the
Allies and he was reminded of our heavy obligations on other
fronts. He seemed to accept this reply, but pleaded that his
father was committed in any case and that he looked to us
for help.
(6) Zeid asked about Verdun, but showed
little interest in, or knowledge of, any other phase of the war.
(7) Asked about SW Arabia, Zeid could
say nothing about the Idrissi beyond that the Sherif was
satisfied with him though Idrissi had not yet replied to his
letter. The Turks in Ebha were, he asserted, not above 1500
strong, and without food or ammunition. Hassan Ibn Ali, Chief of
the Beni Mugheid, hitherto the Turks sheet-anchor in Asir,
had been squared by the Sherif. The Imam Yahya he dismissed as
(8) Asked about Central Arabia, Zeid
said at first that Ibn Saud was friendly. On being pressed he
amended this epithet to "neutral". He would not take
any part in the revolt. Ibn Rashid, he said, was powerless.
Asked about North Africa, Zeid was vague
and apparently ignorant, confounding Nuri-es-Shaalan with the
Shammar in his reply. All the tribes "of the Jibal" he
said, would rise against the Turks as soon as Hejaz revolted.
(10) In the Hejaz revolt the Ateibah (both
Roqa and Berqa sections) all the Harb, the Juheinah and minor
tribes would join. There were 1,000 Turkish soldiers in Mecca and
with these Sherif Hussein would deal. Abdullah and Zeid himself
would take Taif, where were 1,200 Turkish troops, with the Vali,
Chalib Pasha (a weak and inert man) and the mass of the Ottoman
officials. Abdul Mohain Ibn Mansur El-Adm, Emir of the Harb at
Jeddah would see to the operations against this town and its
garrison of 800 Turks. The plan there was to seize the outside
water supply, the condensing plant being out of order. Both Zeid
and his companion professed absolute confidence in the result at
all these places and seemed anxious only about Medina, where
Sherifs Ali and Feisal were to have begun the rising on June 5th.
The general procedure would be to summon Turkish garrisons and
officials to surrender at discretion; if they consented, to
disarm and intern them or send them away to the north; if they
refused to kill them. All communications, road, telegraphs, etc
in Hejaz were already in Arab hands.
The murder of six Germans by the Zubeid
Harb near Qadhimah was confirmed; but all knowledge of the
northern party of Germans reported to us at Umlajh, was disowned
Note. On June 7th
we got news from Yambo that the latter party consisted of 8
Germans, namely four men, a small boy and three women with one
Turkish officer. They were lodged in the quarantine at Yambo
waiting for a dhow to take them to Jeddah. They were said to have
come from the Railway at El Ala, via Wejh, on Billi camels and to
have gone on from Umliejh on Juheinah camels.)
O added that the murdered Germans, who
had come from Java, had in vain declared themselves Moslems, the
Arabs replying that they were out to kill "White Muslamin".
Some blood-stained pages of GW Burys "Land of Uz"
and a letter in Turkish, taken off their bodies, were handed over
to us by O with promise of more papers, for which we pledged
ourselves to pay £5.
(12) A request was made for cartridges
for 1,200 rifles of a special Turkish pattern. Cornwallis took a
sample and undertook to try to procure the amount desired in
(13) Asked about the £2,000 Sakf surplus, Zeid declined to have
anything to do with a payment made through any agent of the Ex-Sherif
Ali, whom he described as a dangerous man. We, therefore, did not
hand over the papers concerning this matter which we had brought
with us.
It should be noted that no question
about either the Caliphate or boundaries in Syria was raised.
Before their departure, Zeid and Shakir
were photographed on board. Into the launch, which took them
ashore, were put the £10,000 in two cases, the propagandist
literature brought with us and some provisions and water for Zeids
use on his road home. The party rested about two hours in the
shelter ashore, and were seen riding inland again about 5pm.
Zeid struck me as amiable but weak, and
unlikely to play any but a subordinate part in future. He is
about twenty years of age, of middle height and slight frame, and
rather feminine in appearance, in spite of incipient dark chin beard and moustache. He has large and fine, but dull eyes;
an oval face; a round characterless chin, and sallow rather
unhealthy complexion. He is not a man of action, but a Harem Arab.
He knows some Turkish.
His companion, Shakir, who is heavily
pock-marked and wears his hair Bedawi-wise in long black tails,
is older (about 30) and taller and has a scraggy chin-beard. His
eyes are less innocent than Zeids and his speech was less
The general impression which I for my
part derived from the interview was this: That the Revolt was
genuine and inevitable but about to be undertaken upon inadequate
preparation, in ignorance of modern warfare, and with little idea
of the obligations which its success would impose on the
Sherifial family. In both the organisation of the tribal forces
and the provision of armament far too much has been left to the
last moment and to luck. If the Arabs succeed, it will be by
their overwhelming numbers and by the isolation of the Turkish
garrisons; but it is hard to see how any sort of order can
quickly come out of the chaos which will ensue on their success.
If the Revolt succeeds, relations
between our ships and the shore will at once become more frequent
and more important. Difficult questions will arise about the
local relaxation or abolition of the Blockade, and still more
difficult questions of policy in regard to the new Arab régime
will have to be dealt with on the spot. We may even be asked to
lend a hand in many ways. I submit that, in view of these
possibilities, the Political Service on our patrol ships urgently
needs improvement both in quality and quantity, and that it ought
to be kept better informed by Cairo than it has been hitherto.
REEL 5, BOX NUMBER II/4 (continued)
There follows an account by Storrs of the position in Jeddah
following the Revolt:
The Residency, Cairo,
30th June 1916
Note on the present position at Jeddah Now that the Hejaz revolt is an
accomplished fact, the situation at Jeddah, whether the revolt
fails or succeeds, can no longer remain what it was either before
or during the war. Turkish organisation though inefficient, was
better than no organisation at all, and it will be some little
time before any purely Arab product can take its place. Apart
from the preservation of internal order, (municipality police etc);
the exterior and international necessities of the city, such as
Port & Quarantine Authorities, render some form of external
supervision imperative. For the moment there must be an
Englishman in charge, assisted to a certain extent by responsible
experts. The appointment of a titular governor might end by
arousing Arab and possibly Allied suspicions, while that of
consul could hardly fail to bring about the arrival of Allied and
even neutral colleagues. It should not be difficult to find a
solution by some title as Port Authority or Disembarkation
Officer, but whatever the style and functions f this official may
be, his appointment, in view of the Jamil incident and the
general feeling of the town, will have to be made without delay.
Once appointed, though with a title never so non-political and
unpretentious, he will at once be recognised as the
administrative authority of Jeddah, and it is for this capacity
during the pilgrimage. That universal disseminating news agency
could not fail to distribute into every corner of the Islamic
world, the picture of Great Britain with one hand already laid on
the Hejaz. This difficulty might be met by the officer being
provided with a trustworthy and fairly high Moslem Egyptian
official who would collaborate with him as long as he remained,
and take his place just before the pilgrimage began, remaining as
chief executive authority before the world until the last pilgrim
had left for home. This official would during that time be
steadied by constant intercourse with the various commanding
officers of the Red Sea Patrol, and if a satisfactory choice were
made, would, his interests and ambitions lying in the hands of
the Residency, probably render very valuable services. He should
therefore be chosen from the upper strata of the Administration,
for the greater his tact, ability, and administrative experience,
the less will be the friction with British and foreign pilgrims,
town authorities etc, and the more favourable the impression
It is desirable, but by no means
absolutely necessary, that Moslem port and quarantine experts
should from the beginning be attached to the British Officer in
charge and subsequently left under his Egyptian colleague. If no
suitable Moslems can be found, the place might well be taken by a
better class Copt or Syrian Christian, these posts, like that of
Director of Egyptian Telegraph Company, implying no political or
administrative significance.
RS "
A further report on the Arab Revolt in
the Hejaz details the attack on Jeddah:
In July, 1915, a letter was received by Mr
Storrs from the Emir of Mecca, Sherif Hussein Ibn Ali, soliciting
the support of His Majestys Government for the cause of
Arab independence and proposing certain boundaries for the
independent Arab area. Roughly these coincided with the range of
the Arab vernacular in south-west Asia, the northern limit being
about N Lat 37º. Aden was excepted. A guarded reply was returned
by the High Commission, and during the rest of the year letters
passed at rather long intervals, owing to the difficulty and
danger of the ways of the ways of communication. The upshot of
these letters was that His Majestys Government expressed
itself willing to promote independence in the Arab-speaking area,
but reserved the question of precise boundaries, refusing in
particular to commit itself about any part of Western Syria or
Lower Mesopotamia, or about the forms of Arab Government which
should be established in various parts of the independent area.
In regard to an Arab Caliphate, it merely expressed its
willingness to recognise one if and when satisfactorily
established by the common consent of the Arabs themselves.
After a letter written by the Emir on
January 1, 1916, these matters were practically dropped out of
the correspondence, and subsequent communications were confined
to the Emirs immediate project of raising a revolt in his
own province of Hejaz, obtaining, if possible, support from
Seyyid Idrissi in Asir, and the Imam Yahya in Yemen, and from
Bedouin tribes of the North. After a vague plan of operation in
Syria also had been discountenanced by his Majestys
Government, revolt in south-west Arabia remained alone in
question by the beginning of May. His Majestys Government
recognising that this project had a good chance of success
and would seriously embarrass the Turks, gave some preliminary
assistance to the Emir, and, when the latter declared his plans
almost mature, sent down, at the request of his son, Abdullah, Mr
Storrs with Lieut-Commander D G Hogarth and Captain K Cornwallis
to meet a member of the Sherifial family on the Hejaz coast and
concert final arrangements. The meeting took place, with the Emirs
fourth son, Zeid, and a trusted relative on June 6.
Owing to the steady arrival of Turkish
detachments at Medina, ostensibly for Yemen, the Emirs sons,
Ali and Feisal, anticipated the concerted date, and raised the
standard of revolt at Medina on June 5. While Feisal took command
against the city, Ali proceeded down the Hejaz Railway. By June
17, news was received that 160 kilometres of the latter had been
torn up, and it is proposed to continue the destruction at least
as far north as Medain Salih. No explicit news had come to hand
about Medina itself by June 18, except that the forts are holding
out. There is some reason to think that Feisal has occupied the
On June 9 a force of about 4,000 Arabs,
under the control of the local Emir of the Harb, attacked Jeddah,
which was held by a battalion of Turkish infantry, with machine
and field guns; to which were added a considerable force of
gendarmerie, etc. The greater part of this force entrenched
itself near its barracks outside the town on the north, and, at
the express request of the Arabs, some of His Majestys
patrol ships shelled it there, and later, sent sea-plans to bomb
it. The Arabs, who were without artillery, made unsuccessful
attacks upon it for a week, but at sunset on Friday, June 16, the
town surrendered, probably more through lack of water and
ammunition, than Arab attack. The number of prisoners amounts to
forty-five officers, 1,400 ranks and file, and sixteen guns.
In the meantime, news had been received
that the city of Mecca had fallen into the hands of the Emir
itself on June 13, with the exception of the Nekato fort, north
of the town, and one small hill-fort held by the garrison of 1,000
men. The Ottoman deputy-Vail and his staff were captured.
The town of Taif, where the Vali and
Government Headquarters were, and a garrison of 1,200 Turks,
followed suit on June 14, but its forts were still holding out on
June 18. The principal blockhouses on the Jeddah-Mecca road, at
Raghamah near Jeddah and Bahara, about seventeen miles inland,
surrendered with guns and munitions, about the same time. South
Hejaz, therefore, may be said now to be freed from the Turks, and
the greater part of North Hejaz is also in Arab hands.
In view of these facts our strict naval
patrol of the Hejaz coast has been relaxed at some northern ports,
and supplies are now allowed to pass in freely to the Arabs,
there being no longer any risk of their finding their way to the
Turks. Now that Jeddah has fallen, it is hoped that this port may
also be re-opened both to supplies and to Pilgrims in time for
the approaching Haj season.
Aden reports that Seyyid Idrissi is
about to move upon the Turkish forces in Asir. But it is not
expected that the Imam will move yet in Yemen. The serious
economic crisis prevailing in the latter country, however, and
the inability of the Turks to continue to pay his subsidy, may
soon force him to action. ... "
This box contains all that has survived of
the diary that Storrs kept while in Egypt. It covers a few days
in October 1916 and quite a large part of the period from April-December
The 1916 period covers his visit to the
Hejaz including notes of conversations with Sherif Hussein,
Lawrence and others.
The 1917 part starts with two books
covering Storrs journey to Baghdad. It is very detailed and
illustrated with photographs taken at the time. These and the
rest of the diary which contains more about the Gulf and ending
with his entry into Jerusalem show what a loss the rest of his
diary must have been.
This box contains papers from the Jerusalem period covering 1918
and 1919.
The 1918 folder contains some letters from
Storrs to his family giving sidelights on affairs. There are also
minutes of Conference of Military Governors. There are, as in all
the Jerusalem papers, documents dealing with church affairs and
petitions. Similarly there are letters from friends in Egypt
which contain some comments on public affairs.
The 1919 folder contains a secret draft
report on disturbances and there is also a justification of his
policy. There is also a letter from Gertrude Bell.
The box includes a statement concerning the
Balfour Declaration:
1. The Supreme Council has decided that
there shall be a mandate for Palestine and that the Balfour
Declaration regarding a Jewish National Home in Palestine shall
be included in the Turkish Peace Treaty.
2. The Mandate will probably be given to
Great Britain. This means that the country will be governed by a
British Government for the good of all inhabitants of the country.
3. I will now read you the Balfour
November 2nd, 1917
"His Majestys Government view
with favour the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for
the Jewish People, and will use their best endeavours to
facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly
understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the
civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish Communities in
Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in
any other Country."
The inclusion of the Balfour Declaration
in the Peace Treaty means therefore that:
(a) there will be no interference with
Religious customs or Holy Places or any curtailment whatever of
religious liberty, subject to the maintenance of public order and
(b) Immigrants will be allowed to enter
the country only as they are required for the development of the
country, and this immigration will be controlled by the British
Government of the country.
(c) Present land owners will not be
evicted or spoliated and profitable concessions will not be
granted to individuals or groups of individuals to the detriment
of others.
(d) The British Government will govern, and
in no sense will a minority be allowed to control a majority of
the population when the time arrives for any form of
Representative Government.
4. Under these conditions there are
great hopes for the constantly increasing prosperity of all the
inhabitants of this country.
5. The decision has at last been given
and henceforward there must be an end to political strife and
unrest. "
The following excerpt details preparations for the Nebi Musa
festival of 1919:
Shortly before the Nebi Musa festival of
1919 rumours of impending trouble began to circulate. The
situation was affected by the coincidence of the Latin and
Orthodox Easter Days and feeling ran high between all rival
parties. Such was the activity of some of the Young Mens Secret Associations that I found it necessary, after consultation
with Major Camp of the Intelligence, to intern Abdul Kader al
Alami, Chief Warder of the Jerusalem Prison, and a most capable
official, as a preventive and warning measure. Arrangements were
made, under my direction by my AAG, Colonel Waters-Taylor, in
conjunction with the Military, that a Band and escort of Indian
troops were to accompany the procession up to the place of
assembly. Shortly before the event I was sent for by General
Money, then Chief Administrator, who showed me a letter from Mr
Aaronson in which massacres were foretold, and asked my opinion
of the situation. I replied that I was unable to guarantee
anything and stated the precautions I had taken, which the Chief
Administrator was good enough to approve. The festival passed off
without incident.
This box contains two folders of papers from the Jerusalem
period covering the years 1920 and 1921.
The 1920 folder has various official
reports: there are bi-monthly reports from Jerusalem District and
extracts from the local press. There is an apologia after riots.
Of particular interest are reports from Haifa on the arrival of
King Faisal after his expulsion from Damascus. There is also a
letter written to Storrs by Sir Herbert Samuel after his
appointment as High Commissioner but before his arrival. There
are also letters from Allenby, C R Ashbee, N Sokolow, Cecil
Dormer and others.
The folder for 1921 contains an account of
Storrs reception by the Pope and their discussion of
Zionism and the Vaticans attitude to it. There is the now
customary justification after riots, letters from Allenby, George
Lloyd, the Archbishop of Canterbury and press reports.
This box contains papers from the Jerusalem
period covering the year 1922.
Official documents include secret police
resumés of events, secret minutes of meetings of Governors,
fortnightly reports from Jerusalem district and police orders for
possible riots.
The folder is mainly filled with social
letters. Writers include C R Ashbee, Gertrude Bell, Mary Berenson,
Bernard Berenson, Lord Allenby, Lord Milner, Shane Leslie about
Mark Sykes, Weizmann and Sirri Pasha.
There is an account of Lord Northcliffes
visit to Jerusalem. There are also some copies of official
letters written by Storrs.
Storrs had a close friendship with Gertrude
Bell, having walked with her in the desert and exchanged views on
the local people and architecture. They exchanged many chatty
The Governorate,
18th October 1922
My dear Gertrude
I take advantage of the journey of
Colonel M (against whom I gather you have certain hitherto
unrectified predispositions) to thank you for your letter of 13th,
and to congratulate you upon the successful conclusion of the
Treaty, in the framing of which I have no doubt you had a
considerable hand.
Here we are in the midst of census
trouble. Some think it is being taken in order to increase
taxation, others that the aim is military service. The agitators
are informing their sectories that Jewish Statistics will be
enhanced to the disadvantage of the Arabs. All are aware that the
census is the basis of the electoral register, and that the
register preludes the elections, acceptance of which mean (in
their eyes) recognition of the Constitution, and with it, of the
Balfour Declaration. In consequence the closest supervision and
the strictest measures are necessary.
I am sending the same bearer a message of congratulation to His
Majesty and to the Naqib, and will write to you a proper letter
in the near future.
Please remember me to Sir Percy and to
any other individual who may conceivably remember.
Yours always
This box contains folders for 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926 and
another of undated papers from the Jerusalem period. The 1923
folder has a quite remarkable letter from Henry Ford, offering to
but the Tutankhamon treasures, a letter from George Lloyd and
press extracts. The 1925 folder has a letter from Amir Abdullah,
and others from T Z Cox, George Lloyd, Gilbert Murray, Stephen
Gaselee, and Blanche Lloyd. The 1926 folder has confidential
letters about the Latin Patriarch and one from Herbert Samuel.
The undated folder has articles on administration, an account of
an interview given by ibn Saud to Mt Crane and some writings on
Zionism. There is also much on a 3 week trip to America by Storrs.
Press Cuttings about Jerusalem Period. Covers a range of
papers including The Daily News and Leader, The Sphinx, Bourse
Egyptienne, The Palestine Weekly, Jerusalem News, The Jewish
World, The Near east, The Tablet and African World.
This box contains papers from the Cyprus period arranged
chronologically. The folder for 1927 includes letters from J L
Garvin, A T Wilson, Joseph Duveen, Blanche Lloyd, D G Hogarth,
Stephen Gaselee, Roger Fry and correspondence about a Library for
Cyprus. There is also some Egypt and Palestine gossip. The folder
for 1928 includes a letter from Allenby and the draft of a
confidential dispatch. The folder for 1929 has drafts of official
correspondence, some extracts from the local press, a letter from
Lady Lloyd about Egypt and one from Herbert Samuel. The folder
for 1930 has letters from Vansittart, Geoffrey Dawson and Lord
Lloyd. The folder for 1931 also has confidential drafts, and
interesting letters from the Kings Private Secretary,
Harvey S Mudd, Ethel Snowden, and Mary Berenson.
This box contains miscellaneous papers from the Cyprus period.
There are two folders marked "32",
including letters from the Colonial Secretary, Arnold Toynbee, R
Darnley, A Parkinson, His Beatitude the Archbishop of Cyprus and
from the Bishop of Paphos. There are two letters from T E
Lawrence and one from King Faisal to Lawrence in Arabic. There is
also a letter from W H McLean MP, asking Storrs backing for
a knighthood. There is a letter to the British Embassy in Ankara
about an intercepted letter from the Patriarch of Constantinople
to the Archbishop of Cyprus. There is also a police report on the
Cypriot Communist party.
The second folder has a chatty letter from
the Kings Private Secretary and private letters to and from
the Colonial Office and the British Embassy in Ankara.
Correspondence about rebuilding Government House. There are also
drafts of official dispatches to the Secretary of State.
This box contains letters and telegrams of sympathy on the
burning of Government House and the loss of Storrs possessions. Some contain comment upon the event while others
from friends talk about mutual acquaintances and give general
gossip. There are letters from: Archibald Sinclair, Sacheverell
Sitwell, Herbert Samuel, Ethel Smyth, Allenby, Leo Amery,
Geoffrey Dawson, Editor of the Times, John Buchan, Birdwood, the
Ambassador in Ankara (with comments), Vansittart, the Archbishop
of Cyprus, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Cresswell, Neville
Henderson, Chatfield, Hore-Belisha, Eddie Marsh and Emil Ludwig.
There is also a folder of private letters
sent by Storrs in reply to letters of sympathy and a private
letter to the Kings Private Secretary the Colonial
Secretary given him his version of events.
There is also the following account of the
burning of Government House by Reuters:
How the Governor of Cyprus, Sir Ronald
Storrs and his staff escaped from Government House, which was
set afire by a mob who threw burning brands through the
windows, was described today by a high official in the immediate
entourage of the Governor in an interview with Reuters
At about 7.30 on Wednesday night
information was received at Government House that a mob estimated
at about 5,000 composed of students and the riff raff of the
capital, was coming up from Nicosia. On the way they raided a
timber store where they collected sticks and staves. They also
tore up the wooden stakes protecting the young trees by the
roadside. Police, both mounted and foot, were posted at the two
entrances to the building. As soon as the crowd reached the gates,
they stoned the police and forced their way through the grounds
to Government House, where they assembled outside the front
A series of anti-British speeches were
then made by the three leaders who were members of the
Legislative Council, and by a number of others. The crowd now
began to get out of hand and started throwing stones smashing
the windows. Their leaders tried to calm them but seeing they
were out of hand slunk away. The mob then discovered the cars
which had brought up the police, overturned them and burned them.
The cars included those of His Excellency, the Colonial Secretary
and the Chief Commandant of Police. Seizing burning brands, the
rioters threw them into the house and set light to the curtains
so that Government House was soon on fire in five or six places.
At this juncture the Commissioner
attempted to read the Riot Act and the police fired a volley
wounding several persons, one fatally upon which the crowd
dispersed. The wooden house was by now a mass of flames and it
was with difficulty that the Governor and his staff escaped. The
Governors valuable collection of Greek sculpture and
Byzantine antiquities and his library were in twenty minutes
reduced to ashes, nothing being saved.
Sir Ronald Storrs has taken up his
residence in the house of the Colonial Secretary. Troops were
summoned as soon as possible but it took the garrison quartered
in the western end of the island some hours to arrive. The
Commissioners house at Limassol was also burnt out last
night but with the arrival of the military and naval
reinforcements the situation is now in hand. General indignation
is felt at this wanton act of destruction and innumerable
messages of sympathy have reached the Governor from all classes
and creeds in the island, with the exception of course of the
anti-British extremists responsible for the outrage.
This box contains papers from Storrs period as Governor
of Cyprus. Firstly there is a file marked "Archbishop of
Canterbury". This contains private letters from Storrs to
the Archbishop telling him of his difficulties with the Orthodox
Church and describing the various prelates. The Archbishops
replies are included. Secondly there are two files on suggested
constitutions with official proposals and minutes. Thirdly there
are two envelopes containing official Cyprus material. This
includes proclamations, speeches, Cyprus Gazette etc.
Cyprus Press Cuttings.
This box contains a diary from 3 Feb 1833 to 6 March 1934
written by Storrs when Governor of Northern Rhodesia in the form
of letters to his wife. This diary is quite frank and outspoken.
It contains portraits of Government officials and settlers, and
accounts of council meetings. Other subjects dealt with include
tours, indabas, relations with Southern Rhodesia, and
descriptions of local rules. He speaks of his dislike of the
Secretary of State and of the Colonial Office. He gives an
account of his duties, including the commuting of a death
sentence. There is a considerable amount of detail about the
colony finances and the proposal to build a new capital at Lusaka.
He describes a tour in Barotseland and a visit to Salisbury.
There is also an account of a tour of the Copper Belt and a visit
to the Belgian Congo. There is a copy of a speech. He describes a
witch-divining ceremony. Important people described include the
King of Barotseland, Lord Malvern and Hofmeyer whom he met on a
visit to Johannesburg, where he also discussed labour relations
with South Africa. Finally there is an account of journey home
via Zanzibar.
The box also includes newspaper cuttings
from the Bulawayo Chronicle, Livingstone Mail and other
papers dealing with this period.
The following brief extract from his diary
concerns his first official meetings:
February, 1933
The plane seemed a long while rising
from the ground. When it had gone the circle and come towards us
again, I watched it out of sight and then walked straight to the
little Airways office and wrote your message, thinking it might
be an encouragement. We drove back to the train and had to wait
some time before starting. I read all the six new copies of the
Times before, at about 3, we reached Lusaka.
Here I received the stock-breeders and
confronted them with Heslop, the butcher of Broken Hill (title
for a book). Results entirely satisfactory, they guaranteeing to
supply and he to take all future beef from within the Territory.
Then the Creamery people with whom I discussed the Egg Circle,
the Town Management Board, whom I had to feed chiefly on hope and;
lastly, the Sporting Committee. We drove to the Aerodrome site.
Very fine, but inclined to be muddy, which would not suit the big
planes; and lastly, visited the Belt Hostel where the children of
the district of both sexes are excellently lodged and looked
after by a headmaster and matron respectively. The only
difference between the dormitories of the boys and girls is that
the girls have glazed windows and the boys nothing but the wire
with wooden sliding shutters when the rain drives in. I must
confess to being impressed and encouraged by Lusaka, and feel
that it will probably be my honour to get the whole thing under
way, and that of my successor to open it in state and get the
full benefit of it: like the harbour at Famagusta. How wonderful
to be appointed some day to a Colony of Dominion where there were
legacies to inherit instead of codicils to bequeath.
This box contains the most important papers that Storrs kept
about his period as Governor of Northern Rhodesia. Firstly there
is a file marked "HEs correspondence with the
Department of the Secretary of State" including Lord
Plymouth, WC Bottomley and SH Wilson. Some of the original
letters from Downing Street are also included. Subjects dealt
with include appointment of officials, general accounts of
affairs in the Colony, the move of the capital to Lusaka. There
is also a secret letter giving Governmental policy over Honours.
Secondly there is a file marked "HEs correspondence
with the S of S". These include original replies from Sir
Philip Cunliffe-Lister. They deal with the general state of the
colony and relations with the BSA. Thirdly, a file with some
draft letters. Fourthly there is a file marked "Minutes to
HCS: Letters from HCS". These are copies of official minutes
written by the Government on office files and cover all aspects
of policy and administration. Included are some very frank
letters from the Chief Secretary to the Governor while the latter
was on tour.
This box contains an envelope with the official warrant
appointing Storrs Governor of Northern Rhodesia and letters of
congratulation upon his appointment. These include letters from
Arnold Toynbee, Donald Lennox-Boyd, Baden Powell, Maud Brownlow,
Compton MacKenzie, Herbert Samuel, Leo Amery and Lord Reading.
Secondly there is a file marked "Court Circular" which
shows his movements as Governor. Thirdly there is an envelope of
official programmes of Governors visits of inspection.
Fourthly there is an envelope marked "Speeches". Some
of these are on public occasions and there are printed copies of
speeches to the Legislative Council. Fifthly there is a file
marked "Development of Trade within Northern Rhodesia" presumably removed from Government archives, as it contains
original letters. Storrs made a speech saying that he proposed to
patronize local products and various firms wrote in offering
samples of beer, tea, coffee etc. Finally there is a file marked
'Mosquito' 1932-3. Storrs was swindled by a French female
inventor who had invented what appears to be a Heath Robinson
mosquito trap. Storrs sued her to get his money back but she
conveniently went bankrupt so he regained nothing.
This box contains Storrs diary after leaving Northern
Rhodesia. He visited Tunisia, where he was received by the Bey
and by Resident General Peyrouton. He continued home through
Tripoli, Malta, Sicily and Naples. It also contains the diary of
a Canadian tour on which met MacKenzie King. He was seen off by
Lawrence (then T E Shaw) and noted:
"I found him healthier in appearance than ever before, in
brown overalls and blue jersey. He came aboard and talked awhile
of his retirement next March into a small cottage on a maximum of
£100 p.a. He would provide bread, honey and cheese for visitors,
but could not put them up, other than in a sleeping bag
the floor.
A permanent friend I shall always rejoice to
see, with generosities of feeling for persons as well as for
books. And for whose little mannerisms must one not make
This contains Storrs diary for the period from 3 September
1934 to 22 December 1938. People mentioned include: Queen Marie
of Rumania, King George of Greece, Leo Amery, George Lloyd,
Howard Carter, Duff Cooper, Randolph Churchill, Mrs Simpson,
Beecham, Brendan Bracken, H G Wells, Jack Squire, Nancy
Mitford, John Christie, Hilaire Belloc, Jacob Epstein, Evelyn
Waugh, Eden, Guedella, Admiral Chatfield, Ramsay MacDonald, Hore-Belisha,
Osbert Sitwell, Maurice Baring, Saudi Crown Prince, Julian Huxley,
Maurois, Nelson Rockefeller, and Margot Asquith.
It includes records of his visit to Italy -
including a chance meeting with Ezra Pound, and to Germany in
1935, where he is concerned by the plight of the Jews. There is
an account of a further European trip in February 1938, including
a sojourn in Vienna. There is also an account of his trip to the
Balkans, October 1938, and to Bulgaria, Rumania and Germany.
On other trips abroad he visited many
European countries and the Middle East. He visited King Abdullah,
Prince Muhammad Ali, Rassell Pasha, Nokr shi Pasha, Aziz el-Masri,
Aga Khan.
He visited the Balkans and Poland and was
received by Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, King Boris and
King Carol. He did a report on his interview with King Boris for
the British Ambassador and this is included.
During this period he met with Beaverbrook,
Chester Beatty, Baruch, King Faruk, Michael Arlen, Somerset
Maugham, Max Beerbohm, Kenneth Clark, Liddell Hart, Duchess of
York, Andre Simon, TS Eliot, Crown Prince of Sweden, HV
Morton, Bevan, Mosely, Axel Munth, Winston Churchill, Harry Luke,
Raymond Mortimer, Violet Bonham-Carter, Rex Whistler, Ted Heath,
Oliver Lyttleton, Hector Bolitho, and George Antonius.
He was also adopted as Conservative
candidate for the London County Council and was elected on 4
March 1937. At home there are also notes concerning the writing
of Orientations and of his lectures on Lawrence. In these
he mentions Lawrence's foreboding about future Anglo-Arab
This box contains Storrs' Diary for 1939 and 1940 apart
from April 1939 which is missing. It starts off with his going on
a lecture tour to America. On the ship he meets Jan Masaryk,
Arthur Rubinstein and Douglas Fairbanks jnr. He visits many
major cities and notes American views on Britain in the pre-war
period. He reports much pro-German sentiment in Chicago and
records the views of Jewish communities in New York,
Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania. He sees the
Widener and Fogg art collections.
After his return he has accounts of meeting
Hore-Belisha, Ethel Smyth, Rab Butler, Hugh Walpole, Kenneth
Clark, Denis Wheatley, Margot Asquith, Ambassador Kennedy and
Maurice Baring. He was in touch with the Arab Ambassadors and
frequently comments on Palestine and the approaching war.
There is a very detailed account of the
early days of the war which will be of interest to social
historians. There are also accounts of his attempts to get
employment. During this time he met Churchill, Leopold Amery,
Haile Selassie, Wavell, Samuel, Harold Acton, Harold Nicolson,
Beaverbrook, Cardinal Winsely, George Lloyd, Duff Cooper, Marie
Belloc Lowndes, Somerset Maugham, Mountbatten. He also got
occasional was gossip from MPs.
The following extract from his diary shows
the level of detail that it contains and Storrs' wish to recordthe views of ordinary persons confronted with the war.
I.IX.39 It was strange to wake about 6.30 in my study; to look
round for one second with lingering pleasure and then to lose it
all by realising why I was there. At 7.0 Bones men for the
removal of carpets, and I arose shaved and dressed for the last
time in my own stripped room, and spent the rest of the morning
over the miserable details and despoilment. The Times anodyne
compared with the late night radio, and it is true that the same
news is easier to bear printed than spoken. Still, it was bad
enough. At 10.30, L. having gone to Halstead about supplies, came
finality, beginning with the ominous phrase "grave
developments". Those were that H. had broadcasted at 5.30 am
announcing that he was replying to Polish forces by force; that
Forster had proclaimed the union of Danzig with the Reich and (from
Warsaw) that the Gs had bombed several cities and were
invading Poland in several places. The news was confirmed and
amplified at 11.30. I wrote up and tidied my room in the
intervals of general dismantling and at 12.30, as we were about
to snatch our luncheon in order to be free to receive our guests,
a life size ordinary red omnibus drew up containing not the 25
infants with four guardians we had been told to expect, but 20
infants and 7 guardians very much more difficult to place.
The nurse in charge, Cunningham, is a Canadian from Toronto, and
there are four German-Jewish refugees from Vienna, Cologne,
Berlin and I forget where, with one or two others I failed to
place. The children debouching from the omnibus rushed howling
and screaming all over the place, pursuing Comet until he turned
and bit one slightly, filling me with dread of a possible Eltham.
This incident revealed the presence of Ly and AM who had driven
over from Cambridge to announce that they proposed to get married
almost immediately. The noise of the children was terrible. I
asked the bus conductor whether he could drive me back, and he
was glad enough to do so, but I could honestly summon up no
particular reason for going save to be at the centre of things,
and to try by a few words with MacDonald to ensue that my
qualifications might be at least considered. So after hurried
preparation and with a longing, lingering look at all I have
striven for so long, come to love so much and must now surrender,
I mounted at 2.15 (having been duly photographed between driver
and conductor on the back step) and plunged up the little drive
into God knows what.
I soon went upstairs and got a view of the
surrounding country and houses I had never had before. Amusing to
find how often we crashed violently and seeming perilously into
the great oak branches across the road. Progress slow and it was
4.15 before we reached Bishops Stortford. The roads still
absolutely normal without one military vehicle or even uniform,
and no air activities visible to the naked eye. Shortly after
Stortford, despairing of reaching London at any reasonable hour,
I beckoned to a following car, transferred and was lifted by the
uxoriously returning driver at vertiginous but skilful speed to
within bus distance of Mansion House Tube. The driver was
returning from evacuation charter, and was proud that his wife
had been telephonist with John Murray. He admired Hitler, but was
bitter at what he foresaw must be coming, and declared frankly
that he had no intention of joining up for the moment. I told him
he might be well advised to do so while he could still pick and
choose his Unit and before he was forced by general conscription.
I combated not without success his standard objections that these
wars were for the benefit of those with money and did down the
working man. The truth is he does not want to fight; and who the
devil does. But it just as well to explain these things
intelligibly and this I think I did.
On getting down at Wood Green and running
for my bus I was knocked flat on my face by a cyclist who, far
from apologising, cursed me for not getting out of the way. I
picked myself up more startled than physically hurt. From Mansion
House all the way to S Kensington in but 20 minutes and from
Covent Garden to S K non-stop; but lost the gain by waiting 20
minutes for a bus, being crowded away from the only 14, and so
returning by taxi, even thus before 5.30. IB in charge. She had
telephoned about 12.30 to me surprisingly unaware of latest "developments", because of course she was working at 84
where is no wireless. Brownjohn has been called up to ARP and the
Prestons cannot stay, nor do I know at what time Annie may arrive.
I inspected the Maginot line, gave McGowan and Graham (whom I
suspect of having "come down in the world") each a
whisky and a cigar.
Telephoned to Gaselee with immediate
communication, and the astonishing news that he would be at the
FO tomorrow, where I was to meet him for luncheon. Telephoned for
appointment with MacDonald in the vain hope of his urging my
qualifications where they may be of use; otherwise I feel
perilously inclined to return to Mill House and sulk like
Achilles in my far less comfortable tent. My impression is that
the average Englishman and woman does not comprehend the
situation, and still thinks that because war has not officially
been made on us, there is still a hope of our keeping out. If so,
they will be swiftly and rudely undeceived. So by crowded 14 to
Piccadilly Circus. The bus was entirely darked, but rather
characteristically no one seemed the least surprised or commented
upon that nor the blackness of the streets. Cinemas were open,
but you would not have known it from their exteriors.
I could not help thinking that there
will be a heavy toll of deaths from these lightless cars until
people get accustomed to the absence of warning. Pall Mall quite
dark, save, I am ashamed to say, for a brilliant beam of light
from the west window of the Travellers, and an almost illuminated
front door, to both of which I drew the attention of the staff. I
dined alone, having a few words with Geoffrey Dawson, who may
offer me something as special correspondent, which, if in a
neighbourhood where I am known, would please me well. After
dinner telephoned to L. It is apparent that the deep waters of
the new family party are beginning to go over her soul, and she
warned me against coming down.
A Bickersteth, son of the old Canterbury
Canon buttonholed me, and I sat down with him, Massey of Canada,
and Kenneth Clark for an hour. KC had been dining with Rab Butler.
The Ministry has resigned to give the PM a chance of introducing
new blood. Italy keeping out for the moment: a beam in darkness,
let it grow. KC had been planning the evacuation of the NG for
the past year and had had the frames of most of the larger
pictures so arranged that by a pressing a spring the panel or
canvas is released. He had distributed the entire collection in
well under a week, and is now fearing the Government may force
him to send away several forgeries and B quality stuff which he
had hoped in the event of an air raid might be destroyed. V&A
cannot have sent much of their stuff out of London and have
probably had to trust to cellars. BM have most of their moveable
stuff in the Tubes: winged bulls etc sandbagged.
Rab told me that in one of Hitlers
recent speeches to his Generals he had proclaimed himself as a
second Ghengis Khan with a divine mission to extirpate all his
enemies. One of the generals had immediately reported this to the
German FO.
The Travellers closing tomorrow. KC
proposes to live in the bombproof shelter in the NG. 6 of
concrete tested to resist anything up to a 400 lb HE bomb. The
buses were again jet black and the sky thick with silver balloons
in quantities I had never expected. A certain number of far too
brilliantly illuminated rich cars, but the poorer sort and taxis
most observant of regulations. EPG silent and deserted as the
grave but the third floor windows of 83 and still worse 53,
almost like sky signs which I noted for reporting to Ryder. At 84
I was at the greatest pains to cover all our traces and was I
hope successful.
This box contains his manuscript diary from 1 Jan 1941 to 30
June 1942. The author spent most of this time in London and
reports meetings with the following people, whose remarks he
often records:
Hore-Belisha, Paul Dukes, Lord Lloyd, A S
Symonds, Tom Driberg, Shane Leslie, Sefton Delmer, Hugh Walpole,
Michael Arlen, Arthur Bryant, R A Butler, Camrose, Alec Cadogan,
Brownlow, Amery, Trenchard, Monckton, Samuel, Kennington, G D H
Cole, Harold Nicolson, Lord Elton, Duff Cooper, Duke of Connaught,
Weizmann, de Gaulle, Vansittart, G M Trevelyan.
Storrs made a visit to neutral Eire which
is of interest and was received by De Valera. Storrs was in touch
with various allied refugee governments and reports the gossip of
their London representatives.
This box contains the diary typed from 1 July 1942 to 9 Nov
1944. The most interesting period is from 13 November 1942 to 18
May 1943 which the author spent on a lecture tour. During this
time he visited Spain, Portugal, Algiers, Egypt, Palestine,
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Libya. He records snippets of
information and recounts meetings with Eisenhower, Cunningham,
Harold Macmillan, Lampson, King Faruq, Simon Elwes, King Abdallah,
Spears, Same as-Sulh, Catroux, the Shah, King of Greece, Fares el-Khouri,
Nuri Said and General Anders among others. He makes some notes of
each conversation.
The rest of the diary of the period is an
account of London in wartime. Storrs was on the edge of Cabinet
gossip and reports conversations with Duff Cooper, Leo Amery,
Hore-Belisha, Oliver Lyttleton, Eden, Cripps, Moyne, Rab Butler,
Lord Simon, and Vansittart. He overlapped with literary circles
and records talks and impressions of Cyril Connolly, Harold
Nicolson, Ethel Smyth, and Raymond Mortimer. Storrs always kept
an interest in Arab affairs and met during this time Kamil Shamun,
Rafiz Wahbaa, Norman Bentwich, Freya Stark, Lord Samuel. Storrs
was very interested in the allied Governments in London and kept
particularly in touch with the Polish, reporting frequent
reactions from Raczynski. He also met the Kings of Greece and
Yugoslavia. Other people of note who are mentioned are Walter
Monckton, Eddie Marsh, Tom Driberg, Koestler, Osbert Sitwell,
Admiral Horton, Osbert Lancaster, Prof Joad, Cecil Beaton, Robert
Graves, Alfred Douglas, Gladwyn Jebb, Beecham, Wavell, Barrington
Ward, and Kenneth de Courcy.
The following excerpt describes a visit to
the Front:
17.1.43. 5.45 am To Emby where military cars took
self, Teviot, Ailwin and Lawson to Heliopolis. Still night but
the dawn came, mild, soon after 6, and it was day when we left in
our low flying Lodestar Lockheed at 6.30. Only 2 comfortable
chairs, in which we took turns. By 7 we were out of the Delta and
into the desert. 7.15 Wadi Nutrun, with its odd pool of faintly
steaming porphyry. At 7.45 we turned S, for the 35 miles of the
Alamain Lines. Bomb craters and minefield, 5000 yds deep, very
clear. By 8 Bir Hamaimat, where the French fought not very good
delaying action, 8.10 Qattara depression, water and brown sult-marah,
a natural defence. We flew between 1000 and 600 ft, losing half
an hour because of strong W wind. Clumps of wrecked Wop tanks,
and many planes. First houses at Fuka, 8.45 w cultivation and 1
or 2 ships visible. We ran parallel with the railway. 2 trains E
bound. Long anti-tank ditches, floodable from the sea. M Matruh 9.15;
harbour sharply turquoise through sapphire to outside amethyst
and good landing in cold wind. 4 Just Men stept aground, animated
by one and the same purpose. Left 9.35 and got into bumpy weather.
10.30 Helfaya to S and Sollum to N, a tiny port. H awkward
looking, even from the air. 11.10 due S of Tobruk, in
Knightsbridge, whence along 32 parallel for Benina, the drome of
Benghazi, which we reached at 12.35 and left by car at 5 to 1
over rough stony green, rather like that of Judaea. Visits to
officers and men of Durham Lt Infantry and East Yorkshire Regt.
Interested in home conditions of Durham, Hull etc and inquired
whether the old folks would like some bully beef, going so far as
to present me ironically with a tin (which I secretly returned to
.In Cyrenaica Eg currency used, but from Tripolitania
Br Mil Authority notes, with Italian lire for small change, at
480 to £ or 1/2d
to Lt Gen Nicholls, most entertaining.
Just returned after days work, from mushrooming: 20 good
ones "from tops of hills I suppose the soldiers pick
all they can without climbing". Had many foreign detachments
under him Greeks? Excellent, and consciously modelling their
methods on ours; deplorable on parade. Free French good, but must
be allowed their own way in everything; Czechs, very good, but
none knew English and none of us knew Czech, Arab Legions:
spirited fighters, but liked driving to the battle at far greater
than safety speed, and would jab Greek drivers in bum with points
of their knives to make them step on the gas
I could have
listened to him much longer. So to my host for the night. Br Gen
Peake, cousin to Peak (whose wife "gives him hell"), an
agreeable man living in a travelling bed-office-lorry, with
"penthouse" attachment, making a little extra tent each
side. He insisted, to my real embarrassment in yielding me his
own room. Dinner with Lt Gen Horrocks, commanding 10th
Corps: tall fair clean-shaven, looking some 56, actually 49, a
man of equal ability and charm. Ailwyn and I detailed here.
Teviot (lives in Hants, Dir of Lloyds) and Lawson to the Division.
An amusing dinner. 8th Army now 30th
and 10th Corps. In the great battle
Rommel did "luckily" the very thing theyd
predicted. Is now ploughing up dromes very far W. When thats
done its quicker to make a new drome than to repair the old.
Mines (sham as effective as real because equally delaying) a
dreadful handicap. Enthusiastic about Montgomery: as brilliant as
sure. Hoped Id remarked temper of men. Lots had been 6
months in the desert, without seeing a house, a women or (he didnt
add "even") a civilian; never a word of complaint, in
their greatest discomforts. Food wonderful. For Christmas turkey,
sausages, plum pudding, beer, port, cigarettes up to the
armoured cars in touch with the Germans. Men realise that their
folks at home got nothing and are very grateful. Problem of
occupying them from 5pm to 6am. Tripoli should fall soon
final end of Impero. Rommel would sooner have retired at
once on Tunis, "crowding the goal mouth", but must have
been forced, like other generals, by the politicians one
for my 3 colleagues. If we could only outstrip him to Tahuna; we
might cut him off. Distance of line now as though we had to keep
supplied an army fighting in Moscow, sending tanks for repair
back to London. Reinforcements from Alexandria 5-6 days to bring.
This box contains the diary for 1945. It is type-written and
composed very definitely with an eye to publication or posterity
as it contains much "fine writing" and description and
even laborious jokes.
Storrs spent the first half of the year on a tour which took him
to Egypt, Libya, Eritrea, Abyssinia and the Sudan before mid-February.
In this period he records conversations with Spears and Faruq.
The next section up to the end of March contains reports of his
tour to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq and India. During this period
he talked with Ibn Saud, Rafiz Wahba, Edward Grigg, Faruq, Aga
Khan, Nuri Said, Prince Paul of Greece, Wavell, Freya Stark,
Firuz Num and Auchinleck. The next part until the end of May
continues his travels in India, Ceylon, Egypt and Italy. During
this time he talked with Lord Casey, Gort, Azzam Fasha, Wokrashi,
Pope Pius XII and Bernard Berenson. Little of interest in period
23 May to 22 October, although he met Monckton, Noel Coward,
Avery, abd al-Illah, David Margeson, Beveridge, Beecham and Duff
Cooper. October 23 to Nov 12 tours Germany for the Admiralty stories of immediately post-war Germany, including the
following account of Berlin:
14.XI.45 State of Russian controlled E Germany terrible. All
estates of over 240 acres confiscated, and broken up into 10 acre
plots which are handed to people with no knowledge of agriculture,
but plenty of politics. System will of course break down, and be
the pretext for collectivisation, as from the beginning intended
by the Rusks. All correspondents are Nurembergwarding for the
trial on the 20th: uniformed and each in
his own car. Miless Flags took me out (in Ms Daimler).
First to the Orient Teppiche which proved to be an Armenian rug
shop in full blast. Flags astonished they should dare, when the
Military are requisitioning right and left, but they seemed
unaware of the horror of their situation. More shops are open
than one would think, and there are one or two rare tram services
going. We passed the fantastically ruined Dom, the almost
untouched Kaiser Wilhelm I Memorial with its mixed menagerie of
Victory beasts, and its opulent nymphs sprawling down the steps.
Again to the Chancery, which he thinks, and I agree, will crack
up dangerously when frost succeeds the general rain seepage. I
find that the chandelier room Id taken for Hitlers
was the banqueting hall. His, even larger, gives onto the
colonnade and garden steps. His desk was 30 ft broad, of concrete,
resting upon 8 pairs of thinly veneered faux refectory table
Tudor legs. Indeed we came to the conclusion that everything in
the building, except the filthiness compounded (and probably
often acted there) is Ersatz, in utter opposition to the German
genius. To right and left of the desk doors, the inner giving
onto a corridor protecting Goring, Goebbels and ? Himmler in
their huge offices from the noise (and knowledge) of the main
axis of long resounding halls. The outer door gives H access to
lav, bathroom, dub (of which not only the duck-egg blue tiles but
even the plus has been "collected" as a souvenir, and
the small outer room with rifled safe, where in his paroxysms of
epileptic frenzy he would fling himself down and chew the carpet.
We walked across the garden, and down the two flights of his
shelter, to the lowest depths, only to find that the great steel
door leading into the rooms had been locked by the Rusks, and
that no man knew where was the key. Disappointed Canucks outside,
listening to a woman explaining and buying iron crosses from a
Rusk officer. We gave it up, and went to the SS barracks for his
own bodyguard of personal thugs a word which makes me
quiver with pleasure every time I write it or say it:- ersatz
marbloleo of pillars, and the gilt glass mosaic littering the
rubble and the rubbish. Outside still the boys and youths
offering medals and regimental badges, for cigarettes. ... All
declare that the Ruhr is worse, flatter, quite flat. And I
suppose the two Jap cities far worse still. Not so hard really
now to disrupt the planet, release the central gases and fires
and puff off as a meteor into the Milky Way, if only clever men
will concentrate their abilities in that direction, and cease
wasting their time over beauty and truth in form and sound and
word and life like my Girl. We drove to the almost
untouched Stadium, which is superb. Seats 120,000, each with a
perfect view and, unlike poor Wembley, not the smallest
difficulty from beginning to end, in finding ones place.
This box contains the Diary for 1946-7. By now Storrs appears
to have given up all hope of further employment and led a much
less active life. He was frequently complaining about his health.
He continued to interest himself in the Palestine situation and
occasionally reports conversations about it or comments on the
news. He kept in touch with Arab opinion, seeing King Abdullah
and King Faisal, and often met Arab diplomats and Albert Hourani.
Other people of note mentioned in this period are Lord Gowett,
Louis Golding, Rab Butler, Arthur Koestler, Edward Gridd, Ivone
Kirkpatrick, Lord Winster, Beecham, Leo Amery and Lord Alexander
of Hillsborough.
This box contains the final periods for which Storrs kept a
Diary. This is from 1 January 1948 to 31 December 1950 with a gap
in June 1948. One is conscious of the effort to find something to
say to pad out a diary. Comments on Arab and world affairs are
based more and more upon the newspaper rather than from
information derived from talks with prominent people. The number
of important people that Storrs met in this period is much
smaller than in earlier years. He records conversations with
Eddie Marsh, Beecham, Osbert Sitwell, Harold Nicolson. On visits
abroad Storrs and Robert Hitchens and Prince Muhammad Ali in
Switzerland. In Scandinavia he was received by the Crown Prince
and by Sibelius (very much set piece writing). On a tour to Italy
he met with the Pope and Bernard Berenson. There are a few odd
pages from a diary for 1955. The following extract records his
meeting with Sibelius:
(NB. TB = Thomas Beecham)
25.2.49 Dr Grundy of the British Council had kindly arranged that
Sibelius should receive me after luncheon on Friday. The Minister
was good enough to drive him and me out in the Legation car. It
was my first drive in sunny weather, and I very much liked what I
saw of the prospect, noticing however that there appeared very
little attempt at town or village planning: the attractive little
shingle houses being dumped down apparently wherever the owner
happened to have been able to buy a plot of land. (Grundy tells
me that there are now town planners for at any rate all the urban
districts of Finland and that this haphazard system is coming to
an end). Many of these little wooden houses are the temporary
quarters of farmers from E Finland, dispossessed by the re-drawing
of the Russian boundary. The drive took us, I suppose, 40 minutes
to Jarvenpaa village until we drove off the main road up a short
track to Ainola (named after Ss wife) to the moderate sized
attractive entrance, and were greeted there in the charming
Finnish manner by an elderly parlourmaid and taken straight into
the inner room in which S receives his guests and keeps his books.
Floors (to me very attractive) of scrupulously clean unpolished,
unstained pine planks covered by occasional Finnish rugs. One of
these dated 1808 was hanging on the wall. A portion of the forest
behind the house on which S loves to walk in fine weather, was
given to him by the Finnish nation. I had gathered from Ss
attractive white-haired daughter, Madame Ilves, that here father
might get tired after half-an-hour, so I put the responsibility
on her of turning us out at the right moment. She told me that
his habits are very late. He begins to work after dinner and very
often goes on until 4 oclock in the morning; anyhow Mme
Sibelius and he never retires before one. He never had more than
two or three scraps of paper with a few notes jotted on them
until he seriously transcribed the composition already existing
in his brain, when he would concentrate for three or four days
until it was done: sometimes, but rarely, confirming chords and
sequences on the piano. Grundy was furious as we stopped to
behold a photographer complete with camera and flash lamp lurking
in the background, Sibelius hating all kinds of publicity; I
gather he gave the man the rough end of his tongue. After two or
three minutes Sibelius came in, stooping a little and thus
appearing short, completely bald with an expression of equal
kindness and sincerity, scrupulously neat in a double-breasted
navy-blue serge suit (by far the best dressed composer I ever saw).
He greeted us very warmly and I made a brief speech conveying the
affectionate homage of the Royal Philharmonic Society and giving
him to keep my written instruction from them to that effect. I
told him that they had preferred sending me personally because
anyone can write and post a letter whereas an emissary (however
unworthy) proves anyhow the intention of respect. He thanked me
very kindly and bade me convey to the RPS his deep appreciation
and gratitude. He said he had already heard of me from TB. On
this I handed him Ts latest records of the 6th Symphony (glad to get them out of my luggage whose weight they
had grievously increased for the past few weeks). At this point
it occurred to Grundy that perhaps S would not mind the
photographer and Mme Ilves suggested Grundy going to make certain
he was still there; but it was too late, for the man had been
frightened away. I questioned Sibelius about English composers.
He is interested in Britten; rates Vaughan Williams very highly,
saying that Ws Symphonies prove a very noble character. He
seems to think less of Elgar. TB he places with but before
Toscanini as by far the foremost conductor in thee world. I
mentioned to him Liszts Symphonic Poem Dante, and
was delighted when he shook his head and said "Perfumed,
perfumed and much too long". When I asked him what he
though of Oriental (Arabic and Persian) music he enchanted both
Scott and me by saying briefly but emphatically "humbug":
a masterly concision. He knows Latin as well, but not Greek. When
he said that he felt, considering my journeys and duties all over
the world, that he himself was a sort of Robinson Crusoe, I
answered that no amount of physical travel could compare with the
extent of his spiritual adventure and wrote for him Horaces
Coelum non animum mutant cui trans mars
He understood it perfectly, folded the
paper and put it in his pocket. I think he understands English
better than his relative lack of command of the spoken language
would indicate, but sometimes we had to call upon Mme Ilves to
translate. Scott was much better off in this respect because of
his knowledge of Swedish. Sibelius spoke finely of early English
music, Tallis, Purcell, etc, but seemed to my surprise to know
less about Byrd whom we consider by far the greatest of
the lot. The Edinburgh Musical Festival begged him to come over
last year but he very wisely refused; and I should doubt whether
he ever leaves Finland again.
BOX NUMBER VI/9: This box has been
omitted from the microfilm edition.
This box contains extracts from the diaries which have been
typed. The extracts are not in good order and a random survey
shows that the original diary has been somewhat edited in these
This box contains letters received by Storrs after 1933. The
majority of them are of very little interest, being replies to
letters of congratulation or condolence. Others are letters of
thanks. There are letters from the following:
Vansittart, Herbert Samuel, Compton
MacKenzie, Lowell Thomas, Harold Nicolson, Duff Cooper, Samuel
Hoare, Marie Belloc-Lowndes, Hore-Belisha, Malcolm MacDonald,
Rose Macaulay, John Rothenstein, Kenneth Clark, Shane Leslie,
Maurice Baring , Eddie Marsh, J M Keynes, Osbert Sitwell, GG
Coulton, Robert Graves, Vita Sackville-West, Leo Amery, E L
Spears, Augustus John, Sacheverell Sitwell, Mountbatten, Sibelius,
Vaughan Williams, Charles Morgan, Duke of Connaught, Axel Munthe,
Bernard Berenson, Somerset Maugham
In addition to the above, some 50 letters
of equivalent interest were added in 1977 by purchase. Writers
Prince Ibrahim Hilmi, Princess Ileana of Rumania, Nashab Pasha,
Vince Sheean, Lord Lloyd, George Belcher, Louis Mountbatten, Said
Kiamil Pasha
Mrs Randolph Churchill
Lord Zetland, Lord Crewe, Lord Anglesey, Lord Winterton, J W
Mackail, Mrs Austen Chamberlain, Mrs Stanley Baldwin
Mrs Austen Chamberlain, G T Clark, Lionel Curtis
Fethi Okyar (Turkish Ambassador), Sir Zafrulla Khan
Lord Winterton
Firuz Khan Noon Duke of Alba
Portugese Ambassador Saudi Arabian Minister
Daniel George, Lady Clarendon, Osbert Sitwell, Duff Cooper
Sir William Jowitt, Lord Harewood
John D Rockefeller Jnr
Lord and Lady Samuel, General Sir Bernard Paget
Osbert Lancaster
Sir William Haley, Sir Alexander Cadogan, C S Gulbenkian
Sir Ian Jacob, Douglas Fairbanks, Queen Joanna of the Bulgars
This box deals with the publication of Storrs autobiography Orientations. It contains letters to and
from publishers, correspondence with literary agents and
serialised extracts. There is a considerable amount of what
appears to be draft material some typed and some in
manuscript. There are letters of comments from Lord Samuel, Eddie
Marsh, H G Wells and Arnold Wilson.
A folder of letters is marked "Pan
Orientations". Some of these contain comments upon points of
detail in the book, Many are from unknown people but there are
also letters from Chaim Weizmann, Philby, Maurois, Samuel,
Tweedsmuir, Rothenstein, W S Morrison, Shane Leslie, Kenneth
Clark and Dame Ethel Smyth.
BOX NUMBERS VI/12 14: These three
boxes have been omitted from the microfilm edition.
These 3 boxes are entitled "Ad Pyrrham" and
contains translations of the poem by Horace into various
languages in connection with an anthology of translations of this
work published by Storrs. It contains odd correspondence about
the translations and correspondence about Storrs other
classical interests.
This contains papers dealing with Israel. It consists mainly
of newspaper cuttings from The Jewish Outlook, International
Affairs, The New Judaea, Review of the Foreign Press, The Hibbert
Journal, Palestine and The Times.
There are many notes in Storrs handwriting for his speeches. Other items include:
Two official Colonial Office publications; A reply to Dr
Lowdermilks Jordan Valley scheme from Dr Hussain al-Khabir;
A statement by Sir Edward Spears; Several pamphlets "Palestine"
of 1936; A large file marked "Jewish Solution" which
still contains the papers put in by Storrs; Letters from Deedes,
Bentwich, Newcombe, and C Jarvis; Note on desertion of Jews from
Polish forces; An album of photographs of the demonstration of
This box contains lectures, broadcasts and articles on the
Middle East.
There are lectures on the following
T E Lawrence
Three books on the Arabs (1946)
Transjordan (1946)
Britain and Egypt (1946)
Middle East Revisited (1945)
Portugal to Persia and back in wartime (1945)
Development of Egypt since 1904
Palestine (1938)
Near East (1937)
Christmas in the Holy Land (1953)
Arab Ambassadors
Arabs in the USA
World Affairs (1946)
Italian War in the Middle East
Arab Countries (1928)
King Faruq
Kitchener (1939)
Mediterranean Rumours (1941)
Great English books on the Middle East (1949)
England and the Arabs
Jerusalem (1919)
English literature on the Middle East
Arab World (1948)
Propaganda on the Middle East
Holiday in Turkey
Shifting sands in the Middle East (1938)
There are articles on: Kitchener; Lawrence;
Cyprus, past, present and future; and King Abdullah and newspaper
articles and reviews of Middle Eastern books.
Section VI Boxes 17-21 have been omitted.
These are loose press cuttings and personal papers concerning
Storrs retirement years. The following details are provided
for scholars who may wish to consult these papers at Pembroke
College, Cambridge.
This box contains mainly newspaper cuttings dealing with the
Middle East. It seems to have chiefly things that Storrs thought
would be useful for his lectures on the Middle East. There are
some hand outs from the Jordanian Minister of Information; a
pamphlet "The Image of America in the Middle East" by
Nbih Faris; Correspondence about possible post with Iraqi Data
Monopoly; a file about Armenians; a pamphlet "Mespot
again" by J A de C Hamilton; Notes on Middle East History
for Staff College; an article "Modern Literary Movement in
Egypt" by A S Eden; A pamphlet "Action in Egypt"
1956; An envelope marked "Oil" containing cuttings and
Company handouts; and a file "Portugal to Persia" containing drafts of speeches made on his war-time tour.
This box contains papers dating from after Storrs
retirement which do not appear to be of Middle Eastern interest.
Among them are: Papers about Beechams 70th birthday; Speech at LCC; Speech at Festival of Sons of the Clergy;
Speech at Omer Khayyam Club; Newspaper obituary of Bevin;
Agreement for publishing War History; Notes for a projected life
of Gaselee; Reprint of article from Ethnos on Mongolian chess men;
Room arrangements for Viceroys house, Delhi; Press cuttings
about his tours; Papers dealing with Royal Philharmonic Society;
Correspondence about book with Eric Kennington on "Drawing
the RAF" ; Papers about the Order of St John of Jerusalem; a
file on Storrs health; and proofs of book reviews.
This box contains papers dating from after Storrs
retirement which are not of Middle Eastern interest. One file
deals with the affairs of the Order of St John of Jerusalem,
while others are concerned with the arts and music. An envelope
contains letters of appreciation after his broadcast on the death
of Maurice Baring. One of these is from T S Eliot. There is odd
correspondence about the Nikaean Club; a file about the correct
dress of territorials and Deputy Lieutenants; Papers regarding
the London Choral Society; a file entitled "Letters and
poems from friends"; the script of a broadcast: Persons,
Preferences and Prejudices; British Council notes on Finland (marked
Confidential do not leave lying about); Press cuttings of
his tour in Sicily; Letters from Ruth Piter; and a bundle of
cuttings about France dating from the early days of the war.
This box contains papers dating from after Storrs
retirement that are not of Middle Eastern interest. A
considerable portion deals with his interest in Dante. Another
large portion is headed "Attempts at and offers of
employment". It contains letters signed by J L Garvin,
Wavell, Hoare, Hankey, Malcolm MacDonald, Hore-Belisha, Duff
Cooper, Amery and Walter Monckton.
This box contains papers dating from after Storrs
retirement which are not of apparent Middle Eastern interest.
There are papers on Church of England Foreign Relations; the
draft for book on War Losses: there would be chapters on Ethel
Smyth and Maurice Baring; Articles on LCC; Reviews of his War
History; Papers dealing with his lecture tour of Scandinavia; and
copies of his lecture "Four Great Books" also a
version in Italian.
This box contains photographs. Of particular interest are one
of Faisal taken by Storrs and an official picture of Storrs with
Sharif Hussein. There are some fine pictures of Jerusalem under
snow. There are pictures dating from Storrs time in
Northern Rhodesia showing both formal and informal occasions.
There are also portraits of local notables and scenes of native